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Emerge  Stronger

Team Reengagement Activity

Revitalize your team post-pandemic

Looking Forward:

As we emerge from the shadows of this pandemic it is important that we create the space to pause, reflect and learn from our experiences. Like any challenge or crisis, if we take the time to learn from our journey, we can capitalize on the learning to get even better.


We have developed a process to guide teams through a series of exercises and discussions to help individuals to reflect on the last few months; reintegrate the team by sharing, learning and growing with their team members and then with the learnings front of mind, reimagine what the future could be for the team and the organization as a whole.

Intended Outcomes:

  • Increase self-reflection and learning during this difficult time

  • Improve team engagement an retention post-pandemic

  • Build team cohesion with an inclusive lens

  • Encourage a growth mindset by promoting reflection and learning

  • Generate ideas for the future

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